Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Son, My Miracle Page 15

A cold or virus could and did almost take Jared's life . . .

When Faith Endures

I will not doubt, I will not fear,
God's love and strength are always near.
His promised gift helps me to find,
An inner strength and peace of mind.
I give the Father willingly,
My trust, my prayers, humility.
His spirit guides, his love assures,
That fear departs when faith endures.

--Naomi W. Randall

Jared's health was very fragile.  A cold or virus could and almost did take his life.  When he was 14 weeks old, he, along with his two brothers, contracted RSV--a virus that attacks the respiratory system and can be fatal to very young children.

All three of our boys were not feeling well.  Joel and Jordan had frequent ear infections and were complaining that their ears were hurting.  So, Steve and I bundled the boys up and decided to take all three of them to their pediatrician for a check up.  The doctor's office was full of children.  When we were finally called in to see the doctor, he reported to us that the hospitals were full of children with RSV and that many of his patients were being diagnosed with it.  It was going around in Southern Michigan in almost epidemic proportions at the time.

I had never heard of this virus but right away I got that sinking feeling that this was not going to be good for my children.  There was no "well child" area in the waiting room, so my children had been playing with and touching the same toys and surfaces as the sick children and because we had to wait so long to see the doctor, they had a lengthened exposure.

Within five days our three boys grew extremely ill.  Jared was admitted back to Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor where he was isolated in a private room.  He was placed under an oxygen tent over his crib.  He was so sick and so miserable that I literally climbed up into his crib and got under the oxygen tent with him so that I could hold him and try to ease his discomfort.  Acknowledging my determination, that evening the hospital staff brought in a bed with an oxygen tent big enough  for both of us.  Jared coughed nonstop for 48 hours.  On day five from the time he had been seen in the pediatrician's office, he tested positive for RSV.  The medications Jared was being given were ineffective.  

My son was dying in my arms and I knew it.  When the doctors came in for rounds the next morning, I pleaded with them to "please do something for my baby--I know he is dying."  

An x-ray was ordered and before I had a chance to comprehend what was going on, a rush of doctors and nurses ran into Jared's room, rolled his bed out the door  calling over their shoulders that they were taking him to the intensive care unit.  One of Jared's lungs had collapsed.

My feet felt frozen to the floor while I tried to wrap my mind around what had just taken place.  Then, I walked into the bathroom and burst into tears.   After composing myself, I tried to contact Steve at home, only to learn that he was in our local hospital with our 21 month-old Jordan.  Jordan was being tested for pneumonia as a result of RSV.  Steve had sat up the entire night holding Jordan in his arms for fear that this little son may not make it.

The next time I saw my little Jordan I hardly recognized him.  The virus had seized his little snugly body and robbed him of his bouncy  sparkle.  His beautiful blue eyes reflected distress instead of the delightfulness that usually emanated from his countenance.  He was emaciated, despondent and lethargic.  The virus had taken its toll on Joel as well but he fared much better than his two younger siblings. 

I was torn between my two babies.  It was almost more than I could bear--not being present when Jordan needed me the most.  I was tired and my emotions were firing in every direction . . .  and, I thanked God that Steve was a devoted, committed, gentle and compassionate father.

Stay Tuned . . .


Anonymous said...

When Steve was over the other day he told me about your blog, and today I have been able to sit down and read it. You know I have herd you talk about this many times, but to read the story, with all of the details and emotions that it contains, adds something even more moving. I know it is the Spirit allowing me to feel some of what you and Steve must have felt. I have always admired you. Your strength, your testimony, your warm sweet spirit. Now I understand a little better how your testimony has become so strong over the years. I know that these last five years (or so) have been just as hard a tests as Jared's birth but you keep your head up, a smile on your face, and continue to encourage others. I am honored to call you my friend. I love you, take care of yourself and when I get well I will try and get over to visit.


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