Saturday, April 7, 2012

I Married a Mormon Page 1

Donna shares how she met her Steve on a warm summer night.

Page 1

On the night I met Steve, I happened to be driving through a little town in Greensboro, Maryland.  I had just left the Greensboro Pentecostal Church where I had been with the "Bread of Life" gospel singers, a gospel group that I had been singing with as their lead singer.  I usually traveled with one or more members of the group and was frequently traveling to different churches in the area. 

Late one warm lazy August summer's night Jamie, our alto singer, and I were driving home together after singing during a Sunday service.  We were headed home in a familiar direction when persistent nagging hunger pangs coerced us to turn back and drive to the local Lewis Dairy--our only choice for food fare in the area.

That's where I spotted him.  As soon as we parked my little blue volkswagon bug, Jamie said, "I like what I see," and I responded with "so do I."    We got out of the car and went into the store and bought ourselves some chicken and returned to the car to eat.  There he was still sitting on a block wall between two rambunctious teenagers, a nephew and a neighbor, treating them to their fill of ice cream.  Tottering between their dangling legs was a very cute and hungry little kitten.  I can't bear to watch anything suffer so after lecturing the guys for not sharing, I showered the kitten with goodies which gave me the excuse I needed to strike up a conversation.  

We let the boys know we had just come from church and so the conversation turned to religion.  As we talked and compared our beliefs I sensed that Steve was, without a doubt, the most sincere person I had ever met. I had dated quite a few young men, even pastor's sons, but I had never met anyone like him before.  I felt as though I could see straight into his soul which was as pure as the soft white velour shirt he was wearing.  Yet . . . he was strong.  Strong in mind and spirit and physically as well as evidenced by the bulging biceps pushing their way out of his short sleeves.  I was impressed!  Steve asked when we would be in town again and I told him we were scheduled to sing at the upcoming Wednesday night service.  He told me to look for him, that he'd be there.  I'm thinking, "yeah right and so will the sun shine at midnight!"

Continue to Page 2


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