Monday, April 23, 2012

My Son, My Miracle Page 8

We can't explain this.  It is a miracle from God . . .

Painting by:  Del Parson

Mother Tell Me a Story

Mother tell me a story that I love to hear.
Tell me of heaven and why I came here.
Mother tell how you love me and gently speak,
And then I'll go to sleep.

Mother tell me of Jesus and how he is near.
Tell how He loves me and I will not fear.
Mother, tell how his spirit brings comfort and peace.
And then I'll go to sleep.

Child I am here.
Can you feel that heaven is near?
Sleep, sleep a love watch I'll keep,
To protect you through the night.

--Janice Kapp Perry

For the next two days I could rarely be found in my own hospital bed.  I could not be kept far from my baby.  When we weren't inside the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) we were camped just outside the door in the NICU waiting room. 

We never wanted to miss an update from Jared's doctors so we made sure we were close by when rounds were being made.  Jared was born on September 6, a Friday morning.  Early the following Tuesday morning while anticipating an update on Jared's overnight status, Steve and I looked up to see a long white-coated fast-paced doctor approaching us.  He was carrying what looked to be an x-ray in his hand.  By the expression on his face, we didn't know whether to be alarmed or relieved.  As he got nearer he almost erupted with excitement. 

 Ecstatically, he told Steve and I that he had just viewed an x-ray of Jared's chest and "he now has two complete lungs!"  He went on to exclaim that, "We can't explain this.  It is a miracle from God."  I was trying to digest what I had just heard.  Did he say lungs?  As in plural?  Two?  Did I hear "God" and "miracle?"  Is this really happening or am I delusional from the pain meds?  Then I heard Jared's doctor say, "The lungs look so good, we can't tell one from the other.  We would have to manually count the air sacs, which is impossible, in order to find a difference between the two." 

This is what we had been praying so earnestly for.  This was what Steve had requested from God in the blessing he had given his son just two days earlier.   For a physician to give God the credit for such a miracle was truly amazing to me and always will be. 

I had been close to my Heavenly Father my whole life and he had graciously answered my prayers.  I shouldn't have been so surprised by his approbation and subsequent granting of my heart's desire.  But I was.  I will forever be in awe of the love Jesus proffers me.  

From that point on, everyone associated with Jared and his care experienced a flicker of hope.  Word must have spread very quickly among the hospital staff that there was a miracle baby in their midst because it seemed from that moment, where ever Steve and I went within the hospital, whether it be in an elevator or walking down the hall, we heard the whispers of white coats and scrubs, "They are the parents of the little baby that  . . ."

More to Come . . .


Teresa Avery said...

Donna, thank you so much for sharing the miracle you experienced at the birth of your son. I cried at the witness of God's grace on you and your family. Truly the powers of the Priesthood were made manifest that day. It truly was a miracle and what a powerful testimony to those who witnessed it. After seeing our own miracle, after Lauren was shot, I thank God every day for sparing her life. I know that He intervened and allowed us to have her, and made her whole, as he did for you and your son.
So happy to see your husband yesterday in church, as he spoke in our ward. He really is a special guy. I have fond memories of your family, and Steve's family, when we visited the little Ridgely branch years ago. We love your
family. Thanks again for sharing your story.

Unknown said...

Teresa>Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. I remember you and your family and all of your little ones when you visited Ridgely Branch. I also remember when Lauren was shot and how worried we were. We love you guys too!

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